Human trafficking and corruption are everywhere!
Around 1963 the structure in the government was changed on how money was given out and the Legislative Council was created. Deanna believes the money is not working efficiently and the council is not for the people and overwriting our laws. Here are some of the things Deanna wants to change if she was to become President!
Reorganize the County Commissioners who control the family court judges, CPS/DCF, the sheriff, and elections/voting! They need less power and less funding!
Reorganize the City Commissioners who oversee the police departments and allow corrupt police officers to operate a gang throughout the system.
Decrease corruption by making the RICO Act stronger and harsher penalties! Create an effective task force that actually investigates crime and place people behind bars. To do that we would also have to stop judges and police officers from purchasing and running jails. Also, the police mafia would need to be stopped as well.
Stop the usage of Title IV which is our Social Security. Currently, Title IV D gives incentives to family court judges based on how much money they collect in child support. It goes to the judges 401K. Title IV B gives incentives to Child Protection Services (CPS/DCF) to remove kids from parents. To get this money they are doing a lot of illegal activities.
Make checks and balances for funding provided to agencies. The government has no checks and balances for providing funding to organizations. Are the organizations actually helping the people they receive the money for? Nonprofit organizations CEO's make six-figure incomes and getting Federal grant money! Judges, law enforcement, and police officers are obtaining Federal grant money if they are sitting on a nonprofit board. No one even knows if they are claiming the money on their taxes.
The legislature was created for farmers, business owners, social workers etc.... Instead, if you look at the politicians in the legislature, most of them are lawyers/attorneys, who belong in the judicial branch. Not only do lawyers need to go from the legislature, but they need to be regulated and have set fees. Lawyers are paid to represent the people who are paying them, instead, they are playing games to make money and kissing judges @sses! (BEWARE Deanna is a sailor. She says if she was to win the election she would have to figure out how much money she would be donating and to what organization every time she uses a cuss word.) Deanna is not fond of attorneys!
As for the Healthcare System, it's a hot mess. Deanna has worked at a hospital and a company providing health benefits and information so she is aware of the issues. We have confidence she will figure something out about how to handle the issues. Deanna is also into natural medicine and has been healed several times by a holistic practitioner.
If you don't have a favorite serpent to vote for president in 2020, vote for Deanna!
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