How Do You Write-In Deanna Kloostra For President?


This candidate’s name will not appear on the ballotThe candidate or the people seeks to elect this person by asking voters to cast a vote for the candidate. You literally write in the person's name on the ballot.

It is possible to win an election by winning several write-in votes.

Usually write-in candidacies are a result of a candidate being legally or procedurally ineligible to run under their own name or party. In this case it is because the candidate, Deanna Kloostra, does not trust the voting system run by the counties.

When the number of write-in votes cast in an election is greater than the entire margin of victory, it suggest that the write-ins are sufficient to tip the balance and change the outcome of the election. This creates what is known as a spoiler effect.

Remember the elections were created to elect the candidate that the people want. If the people vote for someone and there is a cover up or the candidate's votes are ignored, the people’s choice is ignored as well. A true Republic is not in existence if the people's voice is ignored and someone else is running the election outcomes and treason is created.
